Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Lindisfarne 25th July

On a visit to Lindisfarne last week with my Dad we went on a pleasant walk around the Snook at the north western tip of the island. We saw many different stunning orchids in the sand dunes as well as a magnificent Kestrel and this beautiful Dark Green Fritillary ( Argynnis aglaja).

Pyramidal Orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis).
I found a small troop of these just about to set seed beside the car park at the Snook. The first time I have ever seen these lovely orchids, I was glad to see them before the flowers faded completely.

 Marsh Helleborine (Epipactis palustris)
It was impossible not to notice these delightful little flowers nodding gently in the damp dune slacks as the cool summer breeze swept past them. They were in their hundreds in the short grass in moist boggy slacks with thousands more leaf rosettes surrounding them. Another first for me, I was amazed by these stunningly beautiful orchids!

Common Twayblade (Neottia ovata)
I almost stood on this orchid as I started to head back for the car with Dad. The plant had light green flowers and stem that blended in really well with the surrounding grass. Once more another first for me, it was a nice wee surprised!

A really successful visit to Lindisfarne with my father with Common Spotted Orchid and Northern Marsh Orchid also seen as well as majestic Meadow Pipits and several Six Spot Burnett moths also spotted. But one warning to anyone else who wishes to visit Lindisfarne - watch out for the Piri Piri Burr!! 
As my Dad demonstrated...

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